
Friday, May 18, 2012

The Normal Distribution

compiled by Metty Agustine Primary

Characteristics of the Normal Distribution
  • Symmetrical means it has a bell-shaped
  • Unimodal  means it has the mean, median and mode which are the same
  • Asymptotic means the upper and lower tails of the distribution never touch the baseline of the X axis. In other words, it has no zero score.

Why is the Normal Distribution So Important?
  • The three characteristics of the normal distribution are each critical in statistics because they allow us to make good use of probability statistics.
  • The normal distribution can provide a researcher to be able to make inferences about the population based on the data collected from the sample.
  •  Thus, inferential statistics are used to determine whether some issues or phenomenon observed in a sample represents an actual issue in the population from which the sample was drawn.

Skew and Kurtosis
  • Skew happens when a distribution of data set does not have the bell-shaped. In other words, it is not normal. There are two kinds of skewed distribution – positively and negatively skewed.
  • Kurtosis  refers to a measure of peaked-ness or flatness of the distribution. A highly peaked distribution will have a positive value of kurtosis; a flat distribution will have a negative value of kurtosis. 
  • A normal distribution will have a kurtosis value of zero or close to zero.

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