
Monday, March 26, 2012

How to Save a Wet Cell Phone

1. Take the phone out of the water as soon as possible. 

  • The plastic covers on cell phones are fairly tight, but water can enter the phone in a short period of time, perhaps only 20 seconds or less. Grab your phone quickly. Don't switch the phone on, as this can cause it to short circuit – if it has been in water, assume it needs drying immediately whether or not it is working.

2. Don't panic. 

  • Your phone will probably not be too damaged if you take it out of the water right away. A longer period of immersion, such as being in the washing machine cycle, will be cause for more alarm but it is still worth trying the following steps before giving up completely.

3. Remove the battery. 

  • This is one of the most important steps. Don't take time to think about it; electricity and water do not mix. Cutting power to your phone is a crucial first step in saving it. Many circuits inside the phone will survive immersion in water provided they are not attached to a power source when wet.

4. Remove the SIM card if you have a GSM carrier. 

  • Some or all of your valuable contacts (along with other data) could be stored on your SIM. For many people, this could be more worth saving than the phone itself. SIM cards survive water damage well, but some of the following steps might damage it, so getting it out immediately makes good sense. Just pat it dry and leave it aside until you need to connect your phone to your cellular network. (This step does not apply to CDMA carriers such as Verizon, Alltel, US Cellular, Sprint, etc.)

5. Remove all other peripherals and covers that can be removed. 

  • Remove any covers and external connectors to open up as many gaps, slots, and crevices in the phone as possible.

6. Dry your phone. 

  • If there is even one drop of water left inside, it can ruin your phone by corroding it and making the wrong contact. Obviously you need to remove as much of the water as soon as possible, to prevent it from easing its way into the phone:

7. Use a vacuum cleaner if possible. 

  • If you want to try and suck the liquid out of the inner parts of the phone, try using a vacuum cleaner. Remove all residual moisture by drawing it away with a vacuum cleaner held over the affected areas for up to 20 minutes, in each accessible area (take it in turns with a friend). This is the fastest method and can completely dry out your phone and get it working in thirty minutes. However, unless the exposure to water was extremely short, it's not recommended to attempt to turn your phone on this soon. Be careful not to hold the vacuum too close to the phone, as a vacuum can create static electricity, which is even worse for the phone.

8. Let the phone sit on absorbent towels, napkin, or other paper. 

  • After removing the phone from the rice or desiccant (or if you were not able to use either method), place the phone on absorbent material. Remember that the goal is to evacuate all of the moisture and humidity, not to trap it or add even more.

9. Test your phone. 

  • After you have waited at least 24 hours, or longer if possible, check to see that everything on and in your cell phone is clean and looks dry. Re-attach the battery to the phone. Try turning it on.

10. Take the phone apart if your phone doesn't turn on at all. 

  • If you feel comfortable doing this, try taking it apart. First, make sure that you have all of the right parts and knowexactly where they go. Be sure to put everything back in its proper place once finished. As you're disassembling it, pat each individual part dry with a small towel and use the vacuum cleaner once more on the crevices (but be careful not to accidentally suck up any loose parts – keep them well to one side, or stretch a length of old pantyhose over the nozzle). If this doesn't work, or you're too unsure about undoing your phone, get help from cell phone professionals.

Figurative Language

What is Figurative Language?!?
  • Whenever you describe something by comparing it with something else, you are using figurative language.
  • a way of saying something other than the literal meaning of the words. 
Kinds of Figurative Language:
·                             Simile
·         Metaphor
·         Personification
·         Irony
·         Paradox
·         Hyperbole
·         Idioms
·         Cliches
·         Alliteration.

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

CULTURAL DIFFERENCES : Greetings in Many Countries

      Culture is the values, attitudes, behaviours and beliefs shared by a group of people.

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Monday, March 19, 2012

10 Tips to Make Your Laptop Last Longer

1. Be Careful Plugging In Your DC Jack
You need to be gentle when plugging in your computer. If excessive force is applied to the jack, the solder joints connecting the jack to the motherboard can crack.And don’t apply too much force, don’t use a cheap after-market charger. The more you use a laptop with a loose jack, the looser it becomes and the more you risk destroying both the charger and the motherboard.

2. Clean Your Cooling System With Compressed Air
You must have  a bottle of compressed air and blow the dust out of your fan and heat sink once a month because Laptop heat sinks are very fine and get cloaked with dust easily. If you can’t figure out how to open the case, call the manufacturer. Most help desks will be more than happy to tell you how to open the case for maintenance, even if your warranty or support plan is up.

3.Don’t Use Your Laptop In Bed
If should always avoid using a laptop that’s lying on a bed or sofa, then please do because When you put your laptop on soft material, you block the ventilation holes in the bottom and the laptop can’t suck in air for cooling.
Laptop should be kept on a hard surface such as a table or computer mat and that there is space between the bottom of the computer and the surface so that air can travel under the computer.

4. Consider a Cooling Pad
Avoid overheating at all times. The lower the temperature of your laptop, the longer it will live. Because the importance of keeping the laptop’s temperature low is better instead of getting it overheated will be a huge cause of laptop failure.

5. Get CCleaner, Use CCleaner
Download CCleaner for Mac and PC. Every second you spend on your computer doing even simple things, the computer is working hard. That means it can get clogged with temporary files, history, cookies, etc. You can clean the computer and the registry with this very useful tool.

6. Don’t Drink And Surf
You should have any sort of liquids near your laptop.and Don’t drink close to your computer, don’t eat close to your computer. Even if you are careful in handling the liquid,  yet it could seriously fry your electronics.

7. Manage Your Battery Life
Drain the laptop’s battery all the way occasionally, should be drained completely at least once a month. Don’t keep the laptop charged all the time, as this can reduce battery life in the long run.

8. Get Anti-Virus Software
Fortunately, there are plenty of free anti-virus programs recommended: Avira, AVG, Kaspersky etc.

9. Download Those Windows Updates
You should always update your window atleast, Once a week Microsoft releases updates to its operating system, and often those fixes are critical to your security. In Windows 7, simply click on “Start,” type in “Windows Update” and click on the first result to be taken to the Windows Updater.

10. Clean Your Screen Correctly :
You should take two tissues, one with a touch of H2O and one dry. Wipe your screen with the wet one and then the dry one, to clean completely and soak up any water drops on the screen. Even better, use only approved LCD cleaners to keep your screen shiny, new and scratch-free.

Good Luck !!!


  • Whenever you collect data, you end up with a group of scoreson one or more variables. If you take the scores on one variable and arrange them in order from lowest to highest, what you get is a distribution of scores.
  • The "mean" is simply the arithmetic average of a distribution of scores, and researchers like it because it provides a single, simpler number that gives a rough summary of the distribution.
  • The "median" is the score in the distribution that marks the 50th percentile.
  • The "mode" is the least used of the measures of csntral tendency because it provides the least amount of information.
  • Two different symbols are needed because it is important to distinguish between a statistic that applies to a sample and a parameter that applies to a population.
  • To find the median of a distribution, you need to first arrange all of the scores in the distribution in order, from smallest to largest.
  • The distribution has multiple mode and is called multimodal.
  • In the messy world of social sciences, however, the scores from a sample on a given variable are often not normally distributed.
  • When the scores in a distribution tend to bunch up at one end of the distribution and there are a few scores at the other end, the distribution is said to be skewed.
  • When working with a skewed distribution, the mean, media, and mode are usually all at different points.
  • If the tail of the distribution were pulled out toward the higher end, this would have been a positevely skewed distribution.
  • The mean of a distribution can be affected by scores that are unusually large or small for a distribution, sometimes called outliers.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


The Scope of Psycholinguistics Studies
Psycholinguistics is a branch of study which combines the disciplines of psychology and linguistics. It is concerned with the relationship between the human mind and the language as it examines the processes that occur in brain while producing and perceiving both written and spoken discourse. What is more, it is interested in the ways of storing lexical items and syntactic rules in mind, as well as the processes of memory involved in perception and interpretation of texts. Also, the processes of speaking and listening are analyzed, along with language acquisition and language disorders.
Generally, Psycholinguistics, covers three main points (Clark & Clark, 1977; Tanenhaus, 1989):

1. Comprehension: How people understand spoken and written language
a. Imitation
Imitation in language acquisition occurs when children imitate language patterns and vocabulary of those significant to them.
b. Conditioning
B.FSkinner proposed mechanisms of conditioning or habituation to the child's speech is heard and to be associated with objects or events that occur. Therefore the initial vocabulary is owned by the child is a noun.
c. Social cognition
Children gain an understanding of words (semantics) because he understood the purpose of one's cognition to produce a phoneme through a mechanism of joint attention.
2. Speech production: How people produce language
Speech production is the process by which spoken words are selected to be produced, have their phonetics formulated and then finally are articulated by the motor system in the vocal apparatus. Speech production can be spontaneous such as when a person creates the words of a conversation, reaction such as when they name a picture or read aloud a written word, or a vocal imitation such as in speech repetition.

3. Language Acquisition: How people learn language
Language acquisition is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive and comprehend language, as well as to produce and use words to communicate.

Monday, March 12, 2012


Populations And Samples, Statistics And Parameters
  • a population is an individual or group that represents all the members of a certain group or category of interest.
  • a sample is a subset drawn from the larger population.
  • statistics are values derived from sample data, whereas parameters are values that are either derived from, or applied to, population data.
  • a population does not need to be large to count as a population.
  • populations and samples dont have to include people.
  • the researcher generally defines the population, either explicity or implicity.
  • samples are not necessarily good representations of the populations from which they were selected.
Inferential And Descriptive Statistics
  • it is important to determine which of these two populations is of interest in the study, because the consumer of the research must be able to determine how well the results from the sample generalize to the larger population.
  • Descriptive statistics apply only to the members of a sample or population from which data have been collected.
  • Inferential statistics refer to the use of sample data to reach some conclusions.
Types Of Variables and Scales of Measurement
  • in social science research, a number of terms are used to describe different types of variables.
  • A variable is pretty much anything that can be codified and have more than a single value. (income, gender, age, height, attitude about school, score  on a measure of depression, etc)
  • A constant, in contrast, has only a single score.
  • Types of variables include quantitative (continous) and qualitative (categorical).
  • A quantitative variable is one that is scored in such a way that the numbers, or values, indicate some sort of amount.
  • qualitative variables are those for which the assigned values do not indicate more or less of a certain quality.
  • Most statistics textbooks describe four different scales of measurement for variables : nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio).
  • variables scored using either interval and ratio scales, in contrast contain information about both relative value and distance)
Sampling Issues
  • In statistics, the term random has a much more specific meaning than the common usage of the term.
  • In statistics jargon, random means that every member of a population has an equal chance of being selected into a sample.
  • The major benefit of random sampling is that any differences between the sample and the population from which the sample was selected will not be systematic.
  • Representative sampling purposely selects cases so that they will match the larger population on specific characteristics.
  • Convenience sampling generally selects participants on the basis of proximity, ease of access, and will willingness to participate.
Research Designs
  • Experimental design, in this type of research, the experimenter divides the cases in the sample into diffferent groups and then compares the groups on one or more variables of interest.
  • Correlational research designs, in this type of reesarch , participants are not usually randomly assigned to groups.
  • Experimental research designs allow the researcher to isolate sprecific independent variables that may caue variation or changes in dependent variables.